Sunday, March 8, 2015

Exciting Happenings...

This weekend was the first warm-ish weekend at the tail end of a long, cold winter. Although I complain about the weather in Wisconsin, the truth is, I love experiencing all 4 seasons each year. The bitter, gray cold makes me appreciate the warm glow of the sun even more. I was feeling energized by the weather this weekend and then, on top of that, I received some great news!

This summer, I'm officially going to be vending at the Madcity Bazaar! I had put in my application this winter with trepidation but decided to put my fears aside and go for it. I've got to start somewhere right? I don't know the first thing about running a pop up market but I'm going to find out quickly. I signed up for 3 dates spread out throughout the summer. Wish me luck!

My sister and I have been working on designing my business logo. This process was a lot of fun but my talented sister created so many fun logos, it was really hard for me to narrow down and only pick one. She came home from sunny California in February and we had to make some final decisions on the logo. So here I am, rolling out the logo! It is on the top of page and I love it. I'm so lucky to have an amazing, supportive family. What would I do without them?