About Me

How did I ever get myself into this? Well, if you know my mom and dad that pretty much sums it up. Enter my dad: on just about every road trip we were on as kids, my dad would point out the most run down, junky house, shed or building and holler "What do you say, girls, we can buy that place and fix it up!" I'm sure we responded with eye rolls and turning up the volume on our walkmans but turns out I have that same fixer-upper gene. My mom has completed a fair number of crafty projects herself: painting, wreath making, sewing, sort of a jack of all trades in the craft world. She has a great eye for salvaging furniture and has hand picked many of the completed pieces you might see here. 

I am a special education teacher by day, a mother of three, wife to an organic farmer and craft lady extraordinaire. Many people ask me how do I have time for this and the answer is that it actually helps me have balance in my life. I am pulled in a million different directions everyday and it can be easy to get overwhelmed or feel like any one thing defines me--i.e. teaching, motherhood, homeowner etc. When I work on a project, I have a little time to decompress, zone out or reflect. And when a project's complete, I feel proud, excited and a accomplished. 

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